03 January 2012

Called to Serve

On August 5th, 2011 family and friends gathered around Whitney both in person and via webcam, anxiously waiting to find out where she had been called to serve a full-time, eighteen-month mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Upon opening her call, we were all overjoyed to find out that she was called to serve in the Portugal Lisbon Mission! Whitney was overwhelmed with excitement after learning of her new and challenging assignment. She immediately began looking forward to the day that she was to report to the Provo Mission Training Center on December 14, 2011, officially beginning her service.

It just wouldn't be right if Whitney left without saying bye to her Provo crew. Lots of hand shakes, tender words and funny memories were shared as she made her grand exit waving the Portugal flag.

Then on December 14th, Sister Nelson began the best journey of her life. After having two Polynesian missionaries carry her bags (not a bad way to start the day!), friends running through the MTC grounds to say goodbye and quick and sincere hugs, she was on her way... and she was beaming with joy.

Leaving behind her beloved family and friends, she is now devoting all of her time, talents, efforts, and whole heart into serving Jesus Christ and the people of Portugal.

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